re: Actually... (edit)
Last Edit: oddone 04:51 pm EDT 03/31/24
Posted by: oddone 04:48 pm EDT 03/31/24
In reply to: re: Actually... - oddone 02:15 pm EDT 03/31/24

Should read "I agree that the projections here, combined with a super basic set, look cheap."

More precisely, it isn't that the projections on their own look cheap. It's that an over-reliance on them (as I and others find to be the case in this revival) make the production as a whole look cheap.

(And FWIW, I was sitting on the aisle in the orchestra, so I don't think the projections are going to look radically different based on where you are sitting. I was in a prime seat and still felt the same as others about the cheapness of the visual production.)

Previous: re: Actually... - oddone 02:15 pm EDT 03/31/24
Next: re: Tommy Review - Variety (Perfectly captures how I felt) - PlazaBoy 07:39 pm EDT 03/29/24

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