re: You guys okay in NYC?
Posted by: showtunetrivia 11:13 am EDT 04/05/24
In reply to: re: You guys okay in NYC? - SQ 10:48 am EDT 04/05/24

Any reasonably built US city can handle a 4.8 just fine—there may be some issues with older brickwork, especially chimneys. (Nothing weirds me out more visiting the Midwest than seeing hundred of unreinforced brick buildings).

Two things: a 4.8 will generate its own aftershocks, likely in the 3.0s, so expect some more shaking. And if it is a precursor to a bigger quake*, do not stand in a doorway—that’s outdated advice. Get under a sturdy table or desk. And don’t go outside where things can fall on you.

*That’s not statistically likely, but is possible.

Laura in LA

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