re: Merrily Without Radcliffe?
Last Edit: PlayWiz 02:15 pm EDT 04/20/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 02:14 pm EDT 04/20/24
In reply to: re: Merrily Without Radcliffe? - mlop 01:54 pm EDT 04/20/24

I saw it with Groff, Radcliffe and Mendez's understudy. Jamila Sabares-Klemm -- all were excellent. It's really now Frank's (Groff's) story for the most part. Groff is really good, even considering that he doesn't have a real show-stopping musical showcase, and the singing isn't really that challenging for him. Radcliffe was fine (and his character, of course, does have such a number). If his understudy is as good as the Mendez one (and people say he is), I'd say go, enjoy it. You still have to put up with too much Gussie, an obnoxious role that has gotten bigger over the years, and really needlessly.

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