re: Jamie Lloyd's 2019 Evita in Regents Park
Last Edit: bway1430 02:11 am EDT 04/23/24
Posted by: bway1430 02:10 am EDT 04/23/24
In reply to: Jamie Lloyd's 2019 Evita in Regents Park - Chazwaza 09:45 pm EDT 04/22/24

Well, those quotes are quite wild but pretty much on the mark.

There are certainly parallels to Lloyd's SUNSET BLVD direction as the character does spend most of the show in a slip and there are moments that might have you scratching your head. But the show's choreography (which was almost non-stop) and top-notch musical direction made it feel more like a blend of theatre/rock concert. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing.

I am usually a purist when it comes to this musical having seen too many godawful stagings that never come close to the concept of Harold Prince's original. This one threw out all of the rules and created a show that was entertaining, moving and highly political. It didn't try for a minute to make Eva appear a saint and Samantha Pauly nailed it.

I saw it twice but it was before covid so hard to recall some of the more finer details. It was set to transfer at the Barbican the following summer but covid.....EVITA was scuppered for a revival of ANYTHING GOES which likely landed better with post-covid crowds who needed cheering up. Sadly, this amazing production has now just disappeared into the ether.

I have attached a trailer which will give you a flavour.
Link EVITA Regents Park Trailer

Previous: re: Jamie Lloyd's 2019 Evita in Regents Park - Live_From_London 03:32 am EDT 04/23/24
Next: Well, I liked it for the wrong reason - dramedy 12:47 pm EDT 04/22/24

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