Well, I liked it.
Last Edit: dramedy 01:02 pm EDT 04/25/24
Posted by: dramedy 01:00 pm EDT 04/25/24
In reply to: LEMPICKA last night - student_rush 12:00 pm EDT 04/25/24

Is it a masterpiece that will survive the ages? Absolutely not. But I found it more interesting than most of the shows this season. Now i do wear earplugs for almost all shows, so the screaming is muffled. But I didn’t feel the songs were screamed like the horrible rendition of cabaret. They were just loud and I don’t know if that is the actor or the sound booth that is doing most of that.

I at least found the story interesting and how her art was influenced by the events in her life. I actually have a new appreciation for the artist and look forward to the retrospective in San Fran this fall. So for me, the show did engage, was
insightful and entertaining. Would I see it again—probably not. But I think elephants and future arethe only shows
I’d see twice.

Previous: re: LEMPICKA last night - Chazwaza 05:19 pm EDT 04/25/24
Next: re: Well, I liked it. - stagejunkie 03:37 pm EDT 04/25/24

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