re: Very mixed reviews
Posted by: JereNYC ( 11:05 am EDT 04/26/24
In reply to: re: Very mixed reviews - singleticket 06:16 pm EDT 04/25/24

Funny, but I definitely disagree about both Hunt and Roberts. I know I'm really separate from the conventional wisdom there.

In TWELFTH NIGHT, Hunt was the "straight man" to a lot of nuttiness around her, but really put her sitcom experience to use in the play's climax with her reaction in the moment when Paul Rudd's Orsino was, after all the explanation, still confused about which person was Viola and which was Sebastian. I think that approach of being the straight man in the comedy tends to make you think that she's not doing anything, but I think it's the opposite. She's providing the platform that lets the craziness of the other characters shine and that production would not have worked without Hunt as the calm centerpiece.

In the case of Roberts, she took the stage in THREE DAYS OF RAIN (also, coincidentally, with Paul Rudd) in a character that was diametrically opposed to the characters that she generally played on film, even down to her appearance. I think people wanted to see the fun, bubbly Julia Roberts with the long curly red hair in some kind of romantic comedy premise. But Nan, the character in the first act, is repressed and buttoned down and gives no warmth at all. She's as no-nonsense as could be. Roberts was costumed in dark, severe colors with her hair pulled back and it was the most anti-Julia Roberts look I've ever seen from her. And she did a great job playing that...but that was NOT what people wanted from her. The character in the second act, Lina (I think), is freer and romantic, but also kind of nuts and not really a heroine, which, again, people didn't really want from Roberts. But I thought she did a great job with it.

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