HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL last weekend.
Posted by: student_rush 12:08 pm EDT 04/29/24

Was fourth in the rush line on a two-show Saturday, arriving fifteen minutes before they opened the box office. Not a great sign. That being said, this show is about 300% better than I expected it to be (I expected very little). The marketing is atrocious, as it's neither a Huey Lewis bio-musical (which I knew) or a facsimile thereof; it's also not entirely a "I just want to be a rock star!" basic story that we've grown accustomed to over the years ("Rock of Ages" being the high water mark, perhaps).

While this show reinvents no wheels, it is so refreshing to feel in the hands of competent theatremakers. Is this a better musical than something like "Lempicka?" Probably not, all things considered. It is, however, a significantly better PRODUCTION of a musical. The show knows exactly what it is, features strong performances across the board, coherent design, an INCREDIBLE ensemble that is SELLING the silliness! It's light, it's frothy (it's too long, it takes some of the "serious" themes too seriously, all the dumb jukebox tropes are on display), but there is a real joy in not being AN IMPORTANT PIECE OF THEATRE. It's good to center on a tone and know what kind of story you're telling. From time to time, maybe a little sweet treat is ok. I hope the box office ticks up but this show is worth the $45 rush ... and even a bit more if you're even remotely a fan of '80s rom-coms like "The Wedding Singer."

Previous: Eliminated 15 years ago. - TimDunleavy 12:44 pm EDT 04/29/24
Next: re: HEART OF ROCK AND ROLL last weekend. - lowwriter 12:16 pm EDT 04/29/24

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