re: I do not think that HERE LIES LOVE is a good musical
Last Edit: Chromolume 02:42 pm EDT 05/10/24
Posted by: Chromolume 02:41 pm EDT 05/10/24
In reply to: I do not think that HERE LIES LOVE is a good musical - GrumpyMorningBoy 12:28 pm EDT 05/10/24

Also - and I know I've made this case before, so forgive me - but as a musician, I can't not stand up for the idea that musicals MUST maintain a visible/visceral presence of live musicians. ("Visible" being a tricky term because a good number of shows have hidden bands - but there are names listed in the program and there is still a basic knowledge/assumption that there is a live band.) In an era where AI has started to threaten live work for performers in general, I think this becomes even more important. While I understand why HLL's concept sought a different approach (and yes, they did make a small gesture towards using live musicians, but only a small one, and way too late in the game), I believe I'm rightfully concerned that such an approach for musicals to use a majority of prerecorded/programmed music NOT become a habit in any way. (I'm not going to deny that many shows use a small degree of prerecorded tracks, vocal and/or instrumental, most often for technical reasons or to ADD to the sound of the substantial live orchestra - and often this can be used beneficially - but not to an extent that it replaces or "becomes" the orchestra. The latter is what I think is harmful and dangerous.)

I applaud the idea of HLL and what it tried to accomplish as a theatre piece on its own terms. I applaud the performers. But I cannot support the idea that a live musical can work without live musicians (present in the space, not prerecorded live musicians) as the driving force of the music throughout the show. And I'm not just talking about Broadway/Off Broadway - but I think that's where this is most important.

Thanks for listening.

Previous: I do not think that HERE LIES LOVE is a good musical - GrumpyMorningBoy 12:28 pm EDT 05/10/24
Next: HERE LIES LOVE was a good musical off-Broadway - BroadwayTonyJ 12:42 pm EDT 05/10/24

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