re: Those prices are a shanda
Last Edit: Chazwaza 01:00 pm EDT 05/19/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 12:59 pm EDT 05/19/24
In reply to: re: Those prices are a shanda - WaymanWong 04:06 am EDT 05/19/24

Fair. And that's nice for people who live in NYC or the tri-state area full time, or have the means to schedule flights and visits around when a show they want to see posts cheaper (but still expensive) prices. As it happens, I was specifically not in nyc in Feb and March. I can assure you that those prices were not available when I was (which wasn't just a few random days, I've been in nyc a lot of this show's run)

But i just want to point out that you're citing $99 (before fees, aka like $120?) tickets as "affordable" or even cheap. It was not very long ago that $99 was one of the top prices. I know relative to a lot of prices, and specifically this production's prices, that is the affordable rate... but especially with fees, that still makes it either a huge expenditure or just still out of the price range of many people.

I understand it's a business and they're going to charge what they can get. My issue is that of all the many options other productions utilize to make cheap-ish tix available, Merrily, one of the most popular, and most historic even, chose just *one* and it's the *worst and most unlikely* to get you tickets.
I rarely have issues finding my way to affordable tickets to what I want to see. I see a LOT of theater, and that's only possible because of things like rush tickets, standing room, etc.

In the end I would have probably made the choice to spend more to see this show, and not seen 2 or 3 other shows (sadly) to make it work... but I was not able to be in town again as had been the plan, and I was really hoping it might extend past early July.

Previous: re: Those prices are a shanda - WaymanWong 04:06 am EDT 05/19/24
Next: Doesn't Merrily have $39 rush/lottery tickets? - MockingbirdGirl 03:21 pm EDT 05/18/24

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