re: THE WELKIN Last Night (Slight Spoilers, perhaps)
Posted by: Joe90 09:18 am EDT 05/26/24
In reply to: THE WELKIN Last Night - sergius 08:15 am EDT 05/26/24

I've not seen this production, nor will I be able to, but the 2020 London production is one of my most treasured theatre-going experiences. And all of its sudden mysterious anachronisms was one of the things I admired most about it. They felt like strange magic, especially the ensemble musical moment.

I'm writing from memory and so apologies if my recollection is a little hazy, but in the published playtext there is an opening stage image that is repeated or echoed at the very end as an epilogue - these were excised in the London production, or at least it wasn't repeated at the end. I remember thinking that was the right choice, as to do so might have laboured the point. Perhaps this isn't the case with this production, and I can see how the play's assertions could easily be overstated.

The London production was the last play I saw before the first lockdown, and I've always wondered if the subsequent horrors of that year have shaped my memory of it.


Previous: THE WELKIN Last Night - sergius 08:15 am EDT 05/26/24
Next: I wish I’d seen the National’s NT Live broadcast - MockingbirdGirl 09:11 am EDT 05/26/24

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