re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice?
Last Edit: PlayWiz 05:42 pm EDT 05/31/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 05:30 pm EDT 05/31/24
In reply to: re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice? - writerkev 05:01 pm EDT 05/31/24

They sing the style of the music in the manner in which it has been composed. You don't sing "Rose's Turn" or her other numbers like "Voi lo sapete, o Mamma" from "Cavalleria Rusticana". It would come off as overwrought and stylistically wrong for this musical. Plus, this musical does have diegetic songs, and they are not operatic -- "Let Me Entertain You", June and the Newsboys numbers, etc. are pure vaudeville. Also, Rose appears to have been a would-be singer as "If I could have been I would have been" is her reply when Louise/Gypsy tells her "You would have really been something, Mama" towards the very end of the show, right after
Rose's Turn" which is, among other things, a frenzied audacious display of Rose's performing talents.

Previous: re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice? - writerkev 05:01 pm EDT 05/31/24
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