re: continued to be baffled why people worry men will dominate acting awards when non-gendered
Last Edit: Chazwaza 04:47 pm EDT 06/13/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 04:45 pm EDT 06/13/24
In reply to: re: continued to be baffled why people worry men will dominate acting awards when non-gendered - KingSpeed 04:25 pm EDT 06/13/24

I keep forgetting that business men and male world leaders control theater awards... especially ones that include off-broadway.

You are conflating one thing with another.

And we are only having this discussing thread now *BECAUSE* what I said would happen just happened, not what you think would or will. I'm inclined to think a better indicator of what it's like is what we just saw happen, rather than what you think *will* happen in the future, despite what just happened. But sure, both valid ways to see it... and more valid is we just won't know year to year until each season happens and each awards voting bodies for each year votes... and even then any conclusions we draw or patterns we think to be observable will be very inconclusive.

And Broadway doesn't "mostly honor men", broadway honors the composers who happen to be mostly men. There are many reasons you could discuss for why that is. They are also mostly white. Also mostly Jewish. Do you think Jews control entertainment and broadway and the theater awards and the organizations that honor theater writers, and that's why this is true, and that it's a problem?

I do not think you can judge what will happen in the minds of voters in 2024 and beyond because of the way the world was in the 40s or 80s or even 00s.

Do you really think that if Music Man with Jackman went against Hello Dolly with Bette than Jackman would beat bet for theater awards? What world are *you* living in? Or if she went against Ben Platt in DEH. Maybe NPH in Hedwig has a chance as a queer person in a queer musical that everyone loves... but... diva worship, and the favor toward female stories and female characters and women singing is strong on Broadway.

It's just very out of touch with reality to think that men will win most acting awards most of the time against women because "men get paid more than women" and "men still control most of the businesses in the world" and "the Top 10 richest people in the world list is all men.
I don't think there's much point in continuing this. I hope it doesn't come to a point where all major acting awards are put into one, regardless of how we each think the voting would go or why.

Previous: re: continued to be baffled why people worry men will dominate acting awards when non-gendered - KingSpeed 04:25 pm EDT 06/13/24
Next: re: continued to be baffled why people worry men will dominate acting awards when non-gendered - KingSpeed 01:29 pm EDT 06/14/24

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