Little things
Posted by: showtunetrivia 10:43 am EDT 06/17/24

The memorial section did have legible names and photos, and did not cut away from the images to show the singer (though I’d still prefer an instrumental). And, as in past years, they didn’t go to commercials with a cheery promo of “next on the Tony Awards, Big Big Stars!” They just showed the ghostight. Very nice,

Except then they showed the ghostlight going off. Now, I know the history of the ghostlight, et cetera, et cetera. I know it can be turned off in an occupied, active theatre. But I was irrationally bothered that they showed it going dark on my tv screen after honoring the deceased.

. (Yes, I said “irrationally bothered.” It just seemed….wrong. YMMV.)

The other little thing that bugged me—as a writer and as a former children’s librarian who had THE OUTSIDERS in her library—was why Susan Hinton was still sitting in the audience as everyone involved in THE OUTSIDERS was up there, celebrating their Tony? Especially since the producers showcased her and said how much she changed all their lives? Was she too infirm to go up on stage? If not, why not bring her up? Dudes, writers matter.

Laura in LA

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