re: Cabaret on TKTS?
Last Edit: Delvino 08:45 am EDT 06/26/24
Posted by: Delvino 08:43 am EDT 06/26/24
In reply to: re: Cabaret on TKTS? - scoot1er 07:54 am EDT 06/26/24

Somewhat baffled by these outs, since no one playing Sally has ever had a designated alternative. I'll let others decide is the Emcee has vocal/energy demands to justify, though Grey and Cumming and their many replacements did 8 shows a week, in two separate B'way iterations.

If this new normal works, and invites more attendance at lower prices, why not? (In the broad sense, it's how I scored a Merrily orchestra seats on TDF, Radcliffe on vacation). I remember the re-opening after the closure, and people positing the possibility of sharing roles. Two actors split the week in Hadestown. If new models are created for performance schedules, perhaps more like opera, it might add access. But B'way is still a star-above-the-title venue. Stars will always put more butts in seats. Not entirely OT: would the Huey Lewis show have made a go, had a star been secured instead of Cott? It never seemed to break even, even heavily discounted. Of course, another juke-ish show in a crowded season was a gamble, and the draw of Lewis's catalog vs Neil Diamond or Carole King isn't an insignificant factor.

Previous: re: Cabaret on TKTS? - scoot1er 07:54 am EDT 06/26/24
Next: re: Cabaret on TKTS? - NewtonUK 09:05 am EDT 06/26/24

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