re: And no regionals?
Last Edit: mikem 12:54 am EDT 07/10/24
Posted by: mikem 12:50 am EDT 07/10/24
In reply to: And no regionals? - Revned 10:48 pm EDT 07/09/24

I think the movie really, really hurt the property. Not necessarily because the movie was all that bad, but because of the "Ben Platt is too old to be playing a teenager" meme that became a big thing among the target audience of theater-minded young people. The property lost its cachet to that audience and is almost a laughing stock for some in that age group. I have a Dear Evan Hansen T-shirt that I really like (it has a cool design: its pocket has the blue stripes of the famous Evan shirt, but the rest of the T-shirt is solid), but I don't wear it much beyond my apartment.

I was very struck at the Flea Market how little interest there was in the Dear Evan Hansen logo stuff last year. I got a fleece with the logo for something like $5. And I think they might have gone down to $1 by the end of the day.

I think the show also has a major problem in the MeToo era, where Evan has sex with Zoe, even though he knows she's falling for him because of what she thinks he did (that he knows perfectly well he did not do). He lies to her and takes advantage of her believing that lie to have sex with her. I thought this was a major flaw in the show even before MeToo -- they should have had him holding back and her not understanding why. But nowadays, that plot point would not go over at all. I don't think the show has any future unless that plot point is re-written.

It does not look like Dear Evan Hansen has started doing licensing for local productions yet, which is a smart decision, I think. In a few years, no one will remember the movie meme, and they can quietly re-write the Evan/Zoe interactions (which would be very simple to re-write - it would just require changing a few sentences and some stage directions. I don't think any of the songs have to be changed at all.). I think the show has a potential healthy regional/amateur life in the future. But not quite yet.

Going back to the original question: Has ANY other stage show been significantly damaged by the movie? Even movies that were poorly received, like Nine, Phantom of the Opera, or Rent, didn't hurt the stage shows. I think people thought they were bad movies of good shows.

Previous: it's not available for licensing nmi - Ann 07:01 am EDT 07/10/24
Next: It didn’t last 8 years on broadway - Singapore/Fling 03:49 pm EDT 07/09/24

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