re: James Corden delays start of play to let audience watch Euros penalty shootout
Posted by: sf 07:47 pm EDT 07/10/24
In reply to: James Corden delays start of play to let audience watch Euros penalty shootout - MockingbirdGirl 01:03 pm EDT 07/10/24

If I'd have been there I would not have been overjoyed - one, because a fifteen-minute delay to the start of a play, given the train timetables, can easily translate into me getting home very significantly more than fifteen minutes after I would if it started on time, and two, because I object on principle to our culture valuing sports more highly than the arts, and insisting that everything must come to a halt to make way for a football fixture.

That said - I saw the show this evening. Anna Maxwell Martin (playing, basically, a cross between Jess Phillips and Stella Creasy) is very good, Corden (whose TV persona I loathe) is superb in a performance that is very different from the comedic roles that made his name, and until the final scene the actors are much better than the play. The final scene is very moving indeed.

Previous: James Corden delays start of play to let audience watch Euros penalty shootout - MockingbirdGirl 01:03 pm EDT 07/10/24
Next: re: James Corden delays start of play to let audience watch Euros penalty shootout - NYCscribe 04:14 pm EDT 07/11/24

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