Cole had a passionate following, not a major one
Last Edit: Chazwaza 01:32 am EDT 07/25/24
Posted by: Chazwaza 01:28 am EDT 07/25/24
In reply to: Cole is a major draw - KingSpeed 10:43 am EDT 07/24/24

On YouTube even today, with all the press and talk show clips on much much bigger YT channels (for those shows), etc, their channel only has 39.9 subscribers. Before the play opening off Broadway I'm willing to bet it was several thousand less at least.
On IG Cole has 194k, which is a lot, no doubt, but I feel certain that number was notably lower before off broadway, but even if it wasn't, that number isn't quite what you'd bank a broadway production on.

I've been a big fan of Cole's for over a decade, but even within my gay/queer circles, let alone by comedy fan friends, I would often mention Cole or a Cole video and friends wouldn't know who it was. Some might think "oh the funny twink on Difficult People" (a show that is very niche) or people who knew about, watched, and stuck with Search Party (also pretty niche) until the last season could be made aware of Cole's performance in that. But it was always surprising to me how even in the gay world, outside of NYC and people who specifically love the world of comedy/content/cabaret Cole existed in, knew about their work or name.

So I would say it's not quite accurate to say their internet following (prior to this show opening) is why they've been selling such great numbers on Broadway.

It's a mix of many things. Word of mouth was incredibly glowing. From regular people and from celebrities. Celebrity endorsement is really a big deal for this kind of thing. Also, the Buzz and WOM is about it being so incredibly fun and funny, which is different than "it's so important, a must-see" kind of buzz/word. Also the marketing has been great, and social media is very much the best friend of this show (i'm really curious how it would have done 10 years ago). And of course the amazing reviews help a lot too. Then there's the powerful mix of reviews, word of mouth, and celebrity buzz/endorsement and social media success, which then makes it even more a thing to book Cole on all the major late night talk shows. Now a huge audience is reached, where Cole can be very funny and a little weird, and tickets get sold via the exposure, the endorsement and effusive praise and adjectiving of the famous host, and the impression Cole makes. Then those interviews are cut into short clips that circle around the internet and social media. etc etc

I think this show is now on a the top of the "What to see" list of theater fans, gays who love theater, gays who don't care but love a good time show, comedy fans, tourists, "must see event" chasers, AND celebrities. It's no wonder that it's selling well especially right now.

Previous: Cole is a major draw - KingSpeed 10:43 am EDT 07/24/24
Next: I never heard of him before offbroadway show - dramedy 12:40 pm EDT 07/25/24

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