re: Are West End theatres designated
Posted by: Live_From_London 01:25 am EDT 10/03/24
In reply to: Are West End theatres designated - dramedy 06:52 pm EDT 10/01/24

London's main theatre district, contains approximately 40 venues and is located in and near the heart of the West End of London. It is traditionally defined by the Strand to the south, Oxford Street to the north, Regent Street to the west, and Kingsway to the east. However, a few other nearby theatres are also considered "West End" despite being outside the area proper; like is The Apollo Victoria or the Victoria Palace.

This is a useful site for other theatres and shows:

Previous: Are West End theatres designated - dramedy 06:52 pm EDT 10/01/24
Next: re: Are West End theatres designated - Singapore/Fling 12:02 am EDT 10/02/24

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