200 is my gulp price point.
Last Edit: dramedy 01:42 pm EDT 10/06/24
Posted by: dramedy 01:42 pm EDT 10/06/24
In reply to: re: Rear orch is 149-199 - EvFoDr 01:19 pm EDT 10/06/24

Below that i usually go. Shows above that i do weigh the cost with how much i want to see the show. I am paying $250 for Tammy Faye and death for prime aisle seats. I’ve only paid more than $300 once and that was Bette midler in hello dolly.

I realize others have a different gulp price point. And my price point for local theater is more around $100 although I refuse to pay $90 (and that is side orch because premium is around $130) for the play that goes wrong at sf playhouse when the national tour cost me $75.

Previous: re: Rear orch is 149-199 - alvy_singer 02:16 am EDT 10/09/24
Next: re: 200 is my gulp price point. - EvFoDr 02:08 pm EDT 10/06/24

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