re: Why did it not transfer for commercial run in west end.
Last Edit: bway1430 10:25 am EDT 10/08/24
Posted by: bway1430 10:24 am EDT 10/08/24
In reply to: Why did it not transfer for commercial run in west end. - dramedy 09:44 am EDT 10/08/24

It was actually meant to transfer but yes, it needed more work. It got some pretty terrific reviews (including a positive review in NYT) but needed a revision if it was going to appeal beyond the Almeida subscribers (who tend to be quite 'arty' and not always warm to musicals). The book has a wide range, jumping from clever political/historical commentary to slapstick/broad humour and could've used more focus and tightening. The score was quite strong and probably Elton's most diverse score but not quite perfect.

The going rumour is that they had booked the Gillian Lynne for a transfer but the leading lady discovered she was pregnant during previews. The team did not want to move the show without her (pushing back the relaunch by at least a year) and decided to forego a West End run in favour of Broadway.

The show went back into redevelopment culminating in a workshop last summer and the Nederlanders obviously liked what they saw and offered the Palace.

Fingers are crossed that the little show at The Almeida that was bursting with promise becomes a big, fat Bway hit. I am certainly rooting for it.

Previous: Why did it not transfer for commercial run in west end. - dramedy 09:44 am EDT 10/08/24
Next: Thanks for the background. - dramedy 10:28 am EDT 10/08/24

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