re: super clever lyrics
Posted by: keikekaze 09:51 pm EDT 10/08/24
In reply to: re: super clever lyrics - Chromolume 09:37 pm EDT 10/08/24

I do think it's a bit of a stretch to call a wine "sincere"

Oh, I don't know. It might be a slightly dated joke now, but It used to be a standard gag to parody "wine snob" speech or writing, in which it was supposed that human characteristics were always being applied to various potables: "an impertinent little Bordeaux," "a saucy little sauternes," "an untutored but presumptuous" this or that. Doesn't the show take place in the 1960s? Anyway, the line goes right by, and the song doesn't depend on it.

Previous: re: super clever lyrics - Chromolume 09:37 pm EDT 10/08/24
Next: re: super clever lyrics - Chromolume 10:09 pm EDT 10/08/24

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