re: Sandra Bullock - contact for publicist?
Posted by: ryhog 07:15 pm EDT 10/09/24
In reply to: re: Sandra Bullock - contact for publicist? - StageLover 06:43 pm EDT 10/09/24

I am not going to get into a contest with you about who knows more about anything, but if you have a proposal for a client, the agent will convey it. Kinda goes with the essence of what an agent is. Now yes you might get more attention or seeming support from a manager sometimes, but I do not know who her manager is, or even if she has one in the formal sense in her present situation. One more point along these lines: someone with the sort of personal request that I assume the OP's friend is seeking to make should not pursue a 1 on 1 communication with the actual agent; all that is really needed is a letter that can be conveyed to the client. If you are going to wait for the agent to call you, you are very likely to be disappointed.

Previous: re: Sandra Bullock - contact for publicist? - StageLover 06:43 pm EDT 10/09/24
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