I cannot remember, and I saw the current cast only recently:
What properties are in the flask of green liquid that Elphie carries with her? Is it magic? When the Wizard seduces Elphie’s mother-to-be and drugs her with it, is it a roofie? And …does it confer upon Elphie some of her instinctive magic? How? He’s not magical, right?
I just couldn’t track the rather Dickensian backstory of Elphie’s conception, etc. (Or was Elphie’s mother herself a creature of magic?) (Does Elphie know her backstory and how is it revealed?)
When I say Dickensian, I’m specifically thinking of the locket and portrait that help track Oliver’s legit lineage. I think there were often such artifacts (in ‘Bleak House,’ et al.).
Speaking of backstories, do we think Elphie and Galinda are immortal? Like non-human aliens? Will there soon be a Galinda-zombie movie? (I’m being sacrilegious; don’t bother to answer that last aboit the zombie film.)