re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time?
Last Edit: Chromolume 02:23 pm EDT 10/29/24
Posted by: Chromolume 02:14 pm EDT 10/29/24
In reply to: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - Jason 09:43 am EDT 10/29/24

I don't remember being affected by "Still" in the original production, but Judy Kuhn and Chip Zien got me. I knew it was coming and they still got me.

I saw the original Titanic the weekend it closed (I ran to NYC realizing I had to see it). By that time I had memorized the cast recording - but didn't know much about the book or the rest of the show. "Still" was a surprise for me as I didn't know the champagne glass would be a part of it. That really moved me. But the thing is, it still does. Now I can appreciate how that was cleverly worked into the scene (Etches offering the couple the champagne) so that Mr. Strauss would have it to use at the end to renew the wedding vows. It's a stunning moment. And yes, just like you, seeing the Encores production this past summer, Judy Kuhn and Chip Zien got me. It was a fantastic performance of the song, and the "breaking the glass" ending was just as powerful as ever. I think it was also deft casting, to have two very established/iconic musical theatre actors, now older, in those roles.

Though I have to say that nothing beats the original staging of "Mr. Andrews' Vision," which will probably never be duplicated, given the complicated tech that went into it. However, though I was mostly disappointed by the tour's staging of most of the show, what they did for that number - having Andrews among the passengers on the main deck instead of below in the smokeroom - did work very well. At Encores, the power of the music carried the number through more than the visuals, but that worked too.

Previous: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - Jason 09:43 am EDT 10/29/24
Next: re: Shows That moved you more or less the second time? - downtownlw 07:26 pm EDT 10/28/24

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