re: It's a wonderful world.
Last Edit: Chromolume 04:51 pm EST 11/12/24
Posted by: Chromolume 04:46 pm EST 11/12/24
In reply to: re: It's a wonderful world. - stan 04:19 pm EST 11/12/24

Jesse should realize though this show is not "Wonderful" a lot of people will really enjoy it.

Again - that's not his job. His job is to critique what he saw and heard, not to predict whether a lot of people will like it.

True that a critic could write that he/she observed that the audience around them responded better to the material than they did, but again, that's not a requirement nor is it necessarily a measure of the material's success. Also, from the standpoint of being on the production end of a show, if someone wrote a review of a show I was doing that said it was "a crowdpleaser despite not being very good" I'm not sure I'd appreciate the backhanded compliment, tbh.

Previous: re: It's a wonderful world. - stan 04:19 pm EST 11/12/24
Next: re: It's a wonderful world. - Ann 11:13 am EST 11/12/24

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