re: it was faster than I remember on Sunday
Last Edit: Chromolume 04:59 pm EST 11/12/24
Posted by: Chromolume 04:59 pm EST 11/12/24
In reply to: it was faster than I remember on Sunday - crewbway 02:49 pm EST 11/12/24

One of my favorite gigs I've done was being assistant music director (and synth player in the pit) for the NSMT Pacific Overtures back in 2003. The production was a share with the Alliance Theatre and the Cincinnati Playhouse, and the one week of rehearsals was essentially about restaging the piece in the round - it was a fascinating experience, and to get to play that score each day/night was a true privilege. BUT - I was carpooling from Boston with one of the percussionists. He essentially told me that in order to get out of the theatre each night, we would have to leave immediately after the exit music was over so that we could beat the queue of cars. (They allowed the band to park in special spots where it would be easy to get out.) So if I wanted a ride back with him, I couldn't stay and schmooze after the show, couldn't even use my dressing room - just had to run. Which most of the time I did. But one would think that after all this time, they'd have designed a better system.

Previous: it was faster than I remember on Sunday - crewbway 02:49 pm EST 11/12/24
Next: re: Titanic - North Shore Music Theater - Chromolume 09:06 pm EST 11/11/24

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