re: Marlene
Posted by: JereNYC ( 04:11 pm EST 11/14/24
In reply to: Marlene - sc2 03:12 pm EST 11/14/24

It's been a while, but I saw the play at the Cort on Broadway, not in London, if she even did it there. I don't even know. The play takes place mostly backstage at a concert with Marlene addressing us from her dressing room. The second act was largely a recreation of a Dietrich concert.

Sian Phillips really WAS Marlene Dietrich and I didn't see any traces of the actress I'd seen play the mother in AN INSPECTOR CALLS. It was perfect in every, costuming, accent, voice. It was like having an audience with Dietrich, rather than seeing a play.

As for the actual content, I don't really remember, other than the concert at the end.

I remember being surprised that the play and this performance didn't make a bigger splash in New York. I do not remember it arriving with any fanfare or even really generating much buzz. I think I went on a rush ticket for $15 or $20.

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