Has McNeal had cheaper seats close to performance?
Last Edit: dramedy 04:47 pm EST 11/16/24
Posted by: dramedy 04:46 pm EST 11/16/24
In reply to: re: Surprise, the Clooney "Good Night" will cost you. - StevenA 03:11 pm EST 11/16/24

I’m guessing “no” based the grosses each week. Of course it had member tickets, but membership is closed now. I doubt Othello will have cheaper tickets.

There are a lot of people with a lot of money to spend for an event show. people fill a Super Bowl or World Series stadium at high ticket prices.

Previous: re: Surprise, the Clooney "Good Night" will cost you. - StevenA 03:11 pm EST 11/16/24
Next: re: Has McNeal had cheaper seats close to performance? - StevenA 08:44 pm EST 11/16/24

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