re: Delightful KISS ME KATE on the big screen!
Posted by: dramedy 05:28 pm EST 11/18/24
In reply to: re: Delightful KISS ME KATE on the big screen! - Ann 02:01 pm EST 11/18/24

He’s isn’t Brian stoked Mitchell, who actually was born a year earlier than Dunbar even though Brian did the show 25 years ago. I would say Dunbar is the weak link in the production. Block is 52 to Dunbar 66. So not unrealistic pairing in ages for a divorced couple.

But highly recommend seeing it for $20. I assume it will be on broadwayHD at some point.

Previous: re: Delightful KISS ME KATE on the big screen! - Ann 02:01 pm EST 11/18/24
Next: re: Delightful KISS ME KATE on the big screen! - Ann 05:48 pm EST 11/18/24

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