Past Reviews

Regional Reviews: Phoenix

Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella
Hale Centre Theatre
Review by Gil Benbrook

Brie Wadsworth-Gates and Kevin Orduño
Photo by Nick Woodward-Shaw
It's surprising that it took Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein's musical Cinderella over 50 years from the first TV broadcast in 1957 to make it to Broadway. After its successful two-year run in 2013, the musical has gone on to have a lengthy tour and become a frequently produced show across the country. With direction that highlights the humor without ever losing touch with the heart at its center, a fantastic cast, and creative elements that are imaginative and richly detailed, Hale Centre Theatre's production is superb.

The well-known story of Cinderella, the poor girl who goes to the Prince's ball in a beautiful gown in a carriage made from a pumpkin, all created by magic from her Fairy Godmother, only to be forced to leave at the stroke of midnight when the magic wears off, is still intact. However, this production includes an updated book by Douglas Carter Beane as well as a few songs that Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote for other musicals and movies, most of which were eventually cut from those works. This updated book provides multiple layers to almost all of the characters, turning them from what were previously fairly one dimensional and almost stereotypical characters into more realistic ones. Beane's book also includes a good amount of humor while never losing sight of the romance at the center of the fairy tale.

While Cinderella and the Prince are still the center of the plot, it also emphasizes other characters in the kingdom. Beane's book also uses Cinderella as the person who shows the Prince the kingdom's injustices and the plight of the less fortunate. In doing so, the romantic story is transformed into a tale that also touches on social injustice and the battle between cruelty and kindness. By fleshing out the supporting characters, depth is added to the story, but the focus on the beloved fairy tale at its core is never lost.

As Cinderella, Brie Wadsworth-Gates is simply lovely. Her portrayal of this headstrong character has the perfect balance of fantasy and realism and she brings a beautiful sense of charm and care to her relationships to all of the characters that surround Cinderella. Her vocals are warm, sweet and clear. Kevin Orduño is equally as good as Prince Topher, the soon to be king who seemingly has no cares in the world until he realizes that he could be doing a lot more than he is for those in his kingdom. Orduño has a natural ability in fleshing out this traditionally one-dimensional character and his bright singing voice shines on some of the most romantic songs in the show, including "Loneliness of Evening" and "Ten Minutes Ago."

The part of Cinderella's Fairy Godmother has been expanded in the new script, and Kathleen Richards is strong, commanding, and humorous in the role. Her vocals are bright and bouncy on "Impossible" and her delivery of her act two ballad, "There's Music in You," is warm and touching. Kira Galindo has plenty of fun playing one of the two antagonists in the musical, Cinderella's wicked stepmother. Alixandra Giordano and Michala Montaño are hilarious as Cinderella's two stepsisters. Galindo, Giordano and Montaño each have great comic timing that gets big laughs throughout as well as rich singing voices. As an added character for this new adaptation, Brandt Norris is charming, sweet, and warm as Jean-Michel, and Raymond Barcelo deliciously oozes undertones of wickedness as Sebastian, Topher's right hand. Jim Roehr has a few fun solo singing moments that shine and the entire ensemble deliver winning performances and bright dance steps. The entire cast deliver warm vocals under Lincoln Wright's music direction.

Cambrian James' direction is bright, with the perfect blend of comedy and romance that the musical requires. His staging keeps the show moving along at a quick pace but lets the romantic and serious scenes resonate. His choreography is fun and varied. The creative elements are gorgeous and lush, including the costumes by Brielle Hawkes and some rentals from Emerald City Theatrical Costumes that feature rich details and a few that transform before your eyes. McKenna Carpenter's set includes a few small pieces that are quickly set in place to move us from one location to the next along with a fun horse-drawn carriage and a beautiful painted floor. The lighting by Catherine Andrus creates many gorgeous scenic images.

With a gifted cast and excellent direction, Hale's production of Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella is fun, fresh, and joyfully romantic.

Rodgers + Hammerstein's Cinderella runs through August 17, 2024, at Hale Centre Theatre, 50 W. Page Avenue, Gilbert AZ. For tickets and information, please visit or call 480-497-1181

Producers and Casting Directors: David and Corrin Dietlein
Directed and choreographed by Cambrian James
Music Director: Lincoln Wright
Costume Designer and Costume Shop Manager: Brielle Hawkes
Scenic Designer and Head Scenic Artist: McKenna Carpenter
Lighting Designer: Catherine Andrus
Props Mistress and Scenic Painter: Liz De La Torre
Scenic Painter: Brittany Arwine
Production Stage Manager: Kaitlyn Grace
Resident Stage Manager: Kelly Slader
Audio Engineer: Jackson Zyontz
Hair, Wigs and Makeup Designer: Cambrian James
Dance Captain: Carmiña Monserrat
Scenic Carpenters: Dan Rodriguez, Tim Dietlein, Travis Dietlein, Terry Stearns, Andrew Johnson
Sculpture Designer: Thomas Hunt
Special Effects Artist: Kyle Webb
Scenic Artist: Collin Calfield
Over Hire Carpenter: Jim Creaser
Metal Work Designer and Welder: Paul West
Outside Technical Consultant: Ashton Corey
Costume Stitchers and Wardrobe: Molly Hill and Toni Smith
Assistant Stage Managers: Abby Hawel and Alex Becerra
Outside Technical Consultant: Ashton Corey
Costume Rental Company (For Select Costumes): Emerald City Theatrical Costumes
Production Assistant: Jamie Fleischer
Business Manager and Hale Bookkeeper: Britney Carpenter

Ella: Brie Wadsworth-Gates
Prince Topher: Kevin Orduño
Marie: Kathleen Richards
Madame: Kira Galindo
Gabrielle: Alixandra Giordano
Charlotte: Michala Montaño
Jean Michel: Brandt Norris
Sebastian: Raymond Barcelo
Lord Pinkleton: Jim Roehr
Ensemble: Sophia Castelluccio
Ensemble: Ava Cusiter
Ensemble: Annalise Decker
Ensemble: Noah Delgado
Ensemble: Brianna McClure
Ensemble: Payten McLeod
Ensemble: Ryan Monaghan
Ensemble: Carmiña Monserrat
Ensemble: Bennett Smith
Ensemble: Joshua South
Ensemble: Diana Stapley
Ensemble: Bennett Allen Wood