re: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its casting?
Posted by: dbdbdb 07:01 pm EDT 04/06/24
In reply to: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its casting? - WaymanWong 06:03 pm EDT 04/06/24

It's particularly saddening to hear about the freakout in London over the casting of Romeo and Juliet when, more than ten years ago, Broadway had Orlando Bloom and Condola Rashad in those roles. If I remember correctly, nobody thought anything of it.

Previous: re: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its 'quietly bold' casting? - NewtonUK 10:12 am EDT 04/07/24
Next: Publicist Howard Atlee has died. - kieran 11:30 am EDT 04/06/24

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