re: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its 'quietly bold' casting?
Posted by: NewtonUK 10:12 am EDT 04/07/24
In reply to: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its casting? - WaymanWong 06:03 pm EDT 04/06/24

It wasn't very 'quietly bold'. It was in your face 'I dare you to mention it.' 3 actors play each of the two central characters. The Allie with dementia is white; her husband is black. The two actors playing the husband younger are both white. The two actresses playing younger Allie are not. None are the same size or shape as the other two actors playing the same role. And it is hard to believe that the three actors playing Allie, and her eventual husband, are playing the same characters at different ages. They are playing totally different people.

Especially as cut down to nothing for the musical, the plot of this weepie, a romance novel to read on a beach, makes little or no sense anyway. While away at the war, he sent Allie a letter every day for a year.

Allie never gets them, because her mother takes them and hides them - doesn't destroy them, mind you, hides them so she can give them back. When? Why? WTF? Wrong. (even though this is an ancient., hoary plot device) And Allie - he said he'd write. She is a young eager girl in love waiting for a letter from her guy at war.

We are supposed to believe that her evil mother gets to the mail first 365 days in a row? Or that he, getting no response, doesn't have his friend, who is later killed send a note asking HIS girlfriend (who we meet in the water splashing scene) if Allie is ok ...? No one in the story has a brain that they use? Really?

The novel and film seem to be much loved weepies. I did not read the novel or see the film. The musical leads to a big screaming power ballad in Act 2 just so we know we are in a 21st Century musical where screaming power ballads are de rigeur.

Previous: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its casting? - WaymanWong 06:03 pm EDT 04/06/24
Next: re: By the way, has 'The Notebook' gotten any racial abuse over its casting? - dbdbdb 07:01 pm EDT 04/06/24

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