re: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board)
Posted by: MockingbirdGirl 05:51 am EDT 05/08/24
In reply to: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board) - GrumpyMorningBoy 03:12 am EDT 05/08/24

I won’t lie, I was underwhelmed by the first season, which seemed more slavishly imitative than witty. I almost didn’t bother with the second season… but I’m glad I did because it was (IMHO) far superior!

Previous: re: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board) - KingSpeed 01:03 am EDT 05/09/24
Next: Season 2 vs Season 1 - GrumpyMorningBoy 02:57 pm EDT 05/08/24

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