re: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board)
Posted by: KingSpeed 01:03 am EDT 05/09/24
In reply to: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board) - GrumpyMorningBoy 03:12 am EDT 05/08/24

I think the problem is that a lot of wasn’t pastiche. It was the actual song with a couple notes changed. In other words, a worse version of the song they are parodying. It was at its best when the songs were their own thing such as with Cross That Bridge and With All of Your Heart. Those are fantastic songs.

Previous: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board) - GrumpyMorningBoy 03:12 am EDT 05/08/24
Next: re: I feel like SHMIGADOON didn't get the love it deserved from the B'way community (including this board) - MockingbirdGirl 05:51 am EDT 05/08/24

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