Posted by: AlanScott 08:39 pm EDT 05/11/24
In reply to: re: CABAREDMAYNE - PlayWiz 07:51 pm EDT 05/11/24

No, Verdon and Fosse never again worked with Prince after New Girl in Town, although Nicole Fosse was in the original New York cast of Phantom.

The ballet was at most cut briefly out of town. I believe Harvey Evans said, much later, that it was cut for one night in New Haven. What did happen was that a very revised and tamer version of the ballet replaced the original version. After the New York opening, Fosse reworked it to something closer to the original. Although I think you may get the impression in some sources that this was done without the knowledge of Abbott and Prince, that seems impossible. They certainly would have known when this revised version was put into the show. It was even written about by Walter Terry, the highly regarded dance critic of the Herald Tribune. And it was known that the ballet that was in the show when it opened on Broadway was not the version that was first seen out of town as this was mentioned by the Times dance critic, John Martin, when he wrote about the show. Martin described the version that opened on Broadway as a "pretty sad 'psychological' ballet," but when Terry wrote about the show seeing the version put in a few weeks into the run, he raved about it. So Fosse and Verdon more or less ended up getting their way, although it seems like Prince thought the ballet was not good in any version.

One little note: The original version of the ballet included a stairway that Sam Wasson in his Fosse bio says was discovered burned to ashes in the alley outside the Shubert in New Haven. He says that the stairway cost $40,000. That's absurd. Not that the stairway was burned but that it cost $40,000. The entire budget of the show was $300,000. It's inconceivable that Griffith and Prince would have approved that kind of expenditure for a set piece used in a ballet no one had yet seen. What kind of stairway set piece would have cost that much at the time?

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