re: be italiAn!
Posted by: EvFoDr 07:08 pm EDT 09/28/24
In reply to: be italiAn! - sc2 10:45 am EDT 09/28/24

Nine is one of my favorites and because of it I got to know Fellini. And later got to know him more due to his influence on Woody Allen. I like to watch 8 1/2, Stardust Memories (Allen's homage to 8 1/2), then the movie version of Nine...even though it's wildly disappointing. It's an interesting study in adaptation.

Fellini didn't make a ton of films, I was always impressed that two of them became such big hits. The other being Sweet Charity, of course. Back when movies were ADAPTED based on actual INSPIRATION, to tell the story in a new way in the language of musical theatre, and often changed the title to be more their own thing. As opposed to paint by number scene by scene recreations of films on stage to "extend the brand". LOL. Yes I am becoming that grumpy person.

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