So it is live
Last Edit: mikem 11:52 am EDT 09/29/24
Posted by: mikem 11:51 am EDT 09/29/24
In reply to: re: Sunset Boulevard. 1st preview. Sat. eve. - WaymanWong 03:05 am EDT 09/29/24

Wayman, thank you for the link. So it is live, and it must be interesting to watch in the theater, particularly since Tom Francis is walking pretty far from the St James. But I don't see how in the world this would work at a matinee. One guy shooing people away like in this video isn't going to cut it during the day in that area, and Francis has to cross the street so they can't put up temporary barricades like I believe they did for the sidewalk with Jessica Chastain in A Doll's House.

And I guess Hell's Kitchen's intermission is not at the same time, but a bit of a delay in the start time for one of the shows may mean that there's a bunch of Hell's Kitchen theatergoers on the street right at that intersection.

None of what I'm saying is earth-shattering. I would have to assume there's a Plan B already in place.

Previous: re: Sunset Boulevard. 1st preview. Sat. eve. - WaymanWong 03:05 am EDT 09/29/24
Next: re: So it is live - peterr 12:44 pm EDT 09/29/24

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