re: gotta disagree with you...
Posted by: Chromolume 08:48 am EDT 10/04/24
In reply to: gotta disagree with you... - sc2 08:27 am EDT 10/04/24

Unfortunately, my friend, I have to disagree back lol. Fictional or not, Gypsy Rose Lee was a stripper, and that's outside of the musical. Now, I'd accept that HOW the musical depicts her becoming a stripper, and how Rose contributes to that - THAT could be a spoiler. In other words, it's a matter of storytelling - it's not the result itself, rather how we get there.

Previous: gotta disagree with you... - sc2 08:27 am EDT 10/04/24
Next: re: gotta disagree with you... - sc2 11:08 am EDT 10/04/24

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