"I would assume that me and Juliet was the bigger flop anyway."
Last Edit: sc2 06:31 pm EST 11/10/24
Posted by: sc2 06:20 pm EST 11/10/24
In reply to: re: What does "top 10 musical flops" even mean? - Chromolume 06:01 pm EST 11/10/24

Yes, but ME AND JULET was the first "setsical."

Plus, ME AND JULIET was closed with a small profit, while PIPE DREAM had a curse on it.

Previous: R&H's Lesser Known Musicals - BroadwayTonyJ 06:39 pm EST 11/10/24
Next: re: What does "top 10 musical flops" even mean? - PlayWiz 06:12 pm EST 11/10/24

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