re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna...
Last Edit: PlayWiz 02:44 pm EST 11/13/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 02:33 pm EST 11/13/24
In reply to: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - TimDunleavy 02:20 pm EST 11/13/24

Even though Rosalind Russell played Ruth, the so-called "less attractive" lead in the non-musical "My Sister Eileen" so well, Russell really was considered a Hollywood beauty, starting off as a traditional leading lady until her broadly over the top comic performance in "The Women" led to her becoming a top comedienne, too. Of course, Russell also had a unique niche in that many of her roles also were as a working professional, not only as a girlfriend, wife or mother, in such films as "Sister Kenny", "His Girl Friday" and yes, "My Sister Eileen".

Previous: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - TimDunleavy 02:20 pm EST 11/13/24
Next: re: Brooke Shields replaced Donna... - Chazwaza 04:18 pm EST 11/13/24

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