re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice?
Last Edit: PlayWiz 02:46 pm EDT 05/31/24
Posted by: PlayWiz 02:43 pm EDT 05/31/24
In reply to: re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice? - writerkev 08:32 am EDT 05/31/24

She was wonderful in "Lady Day" channeling Billie Holiday's voice, but usually in other roles she has a tendency to over-sing. Rose Hovick was on the road too much to take singing lessons at a conservatory. Hopefully a good director will not be overwhelmed by McDonald's stardom and standing in the business and tell her to tone it down when her tendencies to sing too legit appears. It might work to sing "Small World" quite lyrically a la Johnny Mathis, but perhaps not the other songs. I guess she's considered a Broadway soprano, but she's really more an operatic lyric mezzo, who tend to have and are called upon to use the widest range in their roles.

Previous: re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice? - Billhaven 08:14 pm EDT 06/02/24
Next: re: What musical would be more suited for Audra’s voice? - KingSpeed 04:05 pm EDT 05/31/24

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