re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons
Last Edit: Singapore/Fling 12:09 pm EDT 06/29/24
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 12:06 pm EDT 06/29/24
In reply to: re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons - workerbee 07:10 am EDT 06/28/24

You’re making the situation seem simpler and binary in a way that it is not. Stereophonic was an exceptional artistic success That will likely reap them benefits financially, But even being a pop culture phenomenon does not mean that Playwrights’ finances are magically turned around, nor was Stereophonic meant to do that.

And while it’s maybe a bit disappointing that they’re leaning so heavily into one person shows, there’s no denying that the one person experiment was successful last year, especially for Milo Cramer’s play, which is being produced by other theaters and was featured on This American Life. So, writers are still being served, even if they’re being asked to write smaller cast plays (Which is nothing new in the American theater).

The cuts are a little frustrating. As tends to happen in the situations, the people who are cut are important to the artistic success of the theater. And it’s a little egregious that Playwrights’ is cutting its entire casting department, removing them from payroll and benefits, but then hopes to work with the same people as freelancers, meaning the casting folks now have to run their own business. But maybe it will work out for the casting team in the long run, if they’re able to bring in new clients… but I know a lot of us would rather rather be employees than business owners, That’s part of why we sought out institutional work in the first place.

It’s heartening that Adam is taking a pay cut, because all of the artistic and executive leaders of these theaters are paid way too much relative to what their staff gets paid, especially in artistic departments.

Hopefully, the big Takeaway here will be that even when a non-profit theater produces a pop culture sensation and a well received musical, it doesn’t change the deeper crisis that is happening in nonprofit theaters all over this country.

Previous: re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons - workerbee 07:10 am EDT 06/28/24
Next: PH's Artistic Director was already getting paid way less than ADs at less successful, less relevant theaters - Chazwaza 06:08 pm EDT 06/29/24

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