re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons
Posted by: ryhog 03:25 pm EDT 06/29/24
In reply to: re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons - Singapore/Fling 12:06 pm EDT 06/29/24

Just a few notes regarding what you write here and above, with the caveat that this is not a situation for which I claim to know a heck of a lot. (Likewise, I think we all share the frustrations and disappointments about hard decisions necessitated by lower revenue (both in sales and in donations).

First, from your other post, I suspect that the extraordinary expenses (and more) on Stereophonic and probably Teeth as well were covered by enhancement money. I do not know this for a fact (I have not paid that much attention) but do you know? (or anyone else?) It has become an unfortunate fact that enhancement money has become an increasingly significant source of funds.

Second, I do not think that your statement about the cuts being important to artistic success holds up, at least not in this case. Other than casting, the cuts are not from the artistic side of the ledger. And while casting is definitely artistic, the fact is that the PH casting department (of 2) is only in house in the sense that we use that term in the theatre. Together, they have a bunch of other substantial clients especially in regional theatre but also outside of the theatre. Presumably they will not get an office from which that work can be undertaken (at least at no extra charge) and they will be paid on a different basis, but I have no doubt that they will be fairly compensated by PH, and that the new relationship will not affect their work for PH. As you note, Playwrights has leaned on solo shows, which has an obvious effect on the need for casting work. I don't think anyone expects a non-profit to spend on non-existent work, especially not in these financial times.

Third, I don't think it is a worry that they will need to run their own business because they already do. I know that, fairly recently, Alaine Alldaffer has cast a number of things for the Marvel franchise (with a ton of NY actors btw). I suspect that pays better than theatre does.

To be clear, nothing I say here undercuts our shared concern about the "deeper crisis in nonprofit theaters."

Previous: re: PH's Artistic Director was already getting paid way less than ADs at less successful, less relevant theaters - Chazwaza 11:31 pm EDT 06/29/24
Next: re: Firings at Playwrights Horizons - Singapore/Fling 05:01 pm EDT 06/29/24

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