re: The lawsuit is at the link
Last Edit: Delvino 08:54 am EDT 10/03/24
Posted by: Delvino 08:51 am EDT 10/03/24
In reply to: re: The lawsuit is at the link - ryhog 11:34 pm EDT 10/02/24

Notoriously hard to prove. Yet to the points about the artistic integrity of the playwright's prism on his subject: If you choose to write a play about, say, the murder of the Clutter family in November 1959, the infamous crime is historic, the ugly details available to anyone. But if you choose to write a play about the murderers, their thoughts and post crime states of mind, and you crib conversations with same from an iconic best seller, you might be accused of intellectual sloth and creative torpor. The lawsuit may be thrown out or settled, but perhaps its revelations taint the captured verisimilitude in the play's investigation of the music industry. If what was perceived to be the work of the imagination ends up viewed as recycled - a euphemism for stolen - content, no matter the legal determination, the artistry could be questioned.

Previous: re: The lawsuit is at the link - ryhog 11:34 pm EDT 10/02/24
Next: re: The lawsuit is at the link - writerkev 09:51 am EDT 10/03/24

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