I challenge anyone to find a better version than THIS
Last Edit: DistantDrumming 09:36 pm EDT 05/20/24
Posted by: DistantDrumming 09:35 pm EDT 05/20/24
In reply to: Which version of KING AND I? - Glamourboy 03:36 pm EDT 05/20/24

I am generally not a fan of film musicals. I prefer having the proscenium arch and live performers. Film can tell you so much with just a quick glance of an actor, a subtle camera movement, a sharp edit or the underscoring. In fact, despite his apparent delight in having his works translated for film, I recall Sondheim making similar comments about the inertness and unnecessariness of film adaptations of stage musicals. That said, there are some undeniable film musical classics and King & I must be near the top of that list. So sumptuous, so beautifully acted and directed and the chemistry between the leads remains unmatched. I mean, no one, and I say this with a strong degree of confidence, will ever match the chemistry of Yul and Deborah here. The sexual tension is electric -- I'd love to have seen this scene in the cinema with audiences back in the 50s. I imagine some audience members would have found it bordering on objectionable. And all done through music, dance, camera work, editing, subtle gestures and eye contact. Wooo! I need a cold shower!
Link We've just been introduced

Previous: re: Which version of KING AND I? - larry13 11:29 am EDT 05/23/24
Next: re: I challenge anyone to find a better version than THIS - Chazwaza 12:54 pm EDT 05/21/24

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