Fun 1776 trivia
Last Edit: Chromolume 02:57 pm EDT 07/04/24
Posted by: Chromolume 02:53 pm EDT 07/04/24
In reply to: Perennial yet specific: why did they move the "1776" act break? - Delvino 01:45 pm EDT 07/04/24

On a totally different topic, but something I don't know that I've shared before.

In 2006, I did a production of the show in Boston, and we were able to get the rights to Brian Besterman's reduced orchestrations for the 1997 Roundabout production, as this was in a small regional theatre without a big pit space. (Brian is Doug's younger brother, by the way - how many families have brothers who both do professional orchestrations lol?) Mr. Besterman came to see the show and had dinner with the band, and we did a lot of fun shop talk. One thing he told us was about "Is Anybody There," where he really had to re-invent the middle section ("I see fireworks" etc) because what Eddie Sauter had orchestrated there for the 1969 Broadway pit just wouldn't work well in reduction at all. What he told us - from his own research into Sauter's incredible original work, is that the orchestral sound world for that section of the music was inspired by none other than the famous theme music to Hawaii Five-O - a TV series which had only premiered about 6 months earlier, in the fall of 1968. I never would have made that connection before, but after knowing that and listening to it again, it actually seems pretty possible. So, from classical harpsichord to a then-blockbuster TV cop show, I guess the score really does encompass a lot. ;-)

Previous: re: Perennial yet specific: why did they move the "1776" act break? - mlop 03:45 pm EDT 07/04/24
Next: re: Fun 1776 trivia - scoot1er 07:46 pm EDT 07/04/24

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