Last Edit: NewtonUK 12:42 pm EDT 05/11/24
Posted by: NewtonUK 12:27 pm EDT 05/11/24

There are many odd things about this production. Here are several that struck me ...
"Even the orchestra is beautiful!" and lights come up on the two side boxes where the orchestra sits. The band stands up. 6 or 7 men. 3 women. Your every day AFM 802 members, in black shirts and trousers. They just stand up, play, sit down. Really?

Later on, Sally comes in in her fur coat. Which is more like a sleazy thin robe wrap with some fluffy green fluff fake fur around a bit of it, more appropriate for dressing room wear for a stripper in GYPSY. a) its winter in Berlin - the fur coat keeps you WARM - especially if you don't usually wear anything other than panties and a a bra. And that tawdry green stripper wrap with a strand of green fake fur could not be exchanged for an abortion - even in 1930's Berlin. It's supposed to be a fur coat. It is a fur coat. Althoughto be fair, its doubtful that Ms Frecknall ever read the script of CABARET Anyway, or did any research into Berlin in the Weimar era.

I also had the feeling that Eddie Redmayne was channeling Bottom the Weaver - 'Let me play the Lion too!' - popping up everywhere in new costumes.

Last extremely odd moment: In ACT II, when Herr Schultz proposes to Fraulein Schneider, they sing and dance the lovely song, 'Married'. In this production, Herr Schultz, proposes, sings his verse in a lovely fashion, and during an orchestral interlude, the two characters begin dancing gently. The Q for HER verse comes and .... BEBE NEUWIRTH is silent. Fraulein Kost, the prostitute enters, leans against something, and Fraulein Kost sings Fraulein Schneider's verse of the song - in German. WTF? I mean truly. WTF?

Previous: re: The reviews were pretty good. - huskyital 03:37 pm EDT 05/11/24
Next: re: CABAREDMAYNE - MockingbirdGirl 05:00 pm EDT 05/11/24

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